Case Studies
QR Code Scanning
Solution for WMS.

Engagement Summary

A Warehouse Management company wanted to implement QR Code Scanning solution for the warehouse to manage inbound, outbound and returns check-in loads.


  • Manually enter carton id’s to record and manage inbound, outbound and returns check-in loads.
  • Since it is manual process, it is time consuming, more human resources deployed, less productivity and erroneous thereby increasing operational cost, less accurate data and inefficient system.


  • Cross-Platform mobile solution using Xamarin technology to scan carton id’s and manage the incoming and outgoing items movement.
  • Supports various barcode families like QR, Code 128, etc.
  • Solution with both open source library(less efficient compared to licensed) and licensed library.
  • Continuous scan facility to scan all the barcodes in few fraction of seconds.
  • Validate invalid carton id’s.


  • Reduced manpower.
  • Reduced operational cost, higher productivity and greater efficiency.
  • Able to successfully complete all the cartons scanning within less time and with higher accuracy.
  • Integration of data and application with other important applications in the WMS (Warehouse Management System).